From Iron Studios. Iron Studios expands their collection of mutant heroes on their popular Toy Art line with three mutants, including their first super-villain, with the X-Men MiniCo PVC Statues! Wearing his classic suit made of an amalgam of various metal alloys, as strong as Iron Man's armor, Magneto, the mutant master of magnetism floats over a pedestal of metallic minerals with his arms opened, using his broad control powers over every form of magnetism to manipulate any metal and electromagnetic fields! From the middle of a purple cloud, the charismatic Nightcrawler uses his powers to teleport between dimensions with his incredible acrobatic abilities and appears ready for action. Professor X, the heroic leader of the X-Men, sat on his stylish and futuristic golden floating chair, puts one of his hands on his bald head, and, using his powerful mind, projects his telepathic psychic powers.